Wednesday 16 December 2009



You can tell with the colours and bold writing that it’s simple and easy to read. It’s quite similar to magazines such as top of the pops and smash hits, yet targeted at a slightly older audience, therefore targeting a niche market where not a lot of magazines have been made for that audience. I liked the colours and the photos. It’s aesthetically pleasing and fun to read. The images are clear and of high quality. I personally wouldn’t buy it because I’m not interested in that type of music, but for slightly younger people it would be idea. I think it could be priced around £2.50. To be improved you could make the front cover more ‘busy’ looking to make it look more professional, but the contents is really good.


I think the magazine is aimed at girls in their mid-teens with an interest in mainstream music. I don’t think the magazine fits conventions, but still manages to look different. It’s purple theme is distinctive and makes the magazine stand out. I like the photos a lot, I think they are very good, and I like the editing of the magazine. I would not buy it because I’m not a fan of the music style, however I could imagine it selling well to fans of mainstream music. I think it could be improved with more subjects in the pictures, however I don’t think this is really important.


I think this magazine is aimed at teenagers with an interest in music that is currently in the charts. In terms of music covered it is similar to magazines such as Smash Hits, but it is more sophisticated and targeted at an older audience. I really like the purple theme that runs throughout, I like it stops the magazine looking childish and implies that it is for an older audience. I think the pictures of Bailey in the double page spread are very good and look very professional. I think the magazine looks intriguing and I like the look of the cover star so yes I would buy it. It also mentions some artists on the front that I am interested in. However, I think that it is over priced. I’d be more willing to pay in between £2.00 and £2.50 for it. I think the front cover is the ‘weakest’ part of the magazine (only because I think the other parts are really good!) as it looks a bit plain and less professional than the other bits. Maybe a background colour would help?

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