Wednesday 16 December 2009


Age? With the questions I gave the following options of: 12-16, 17-22, 23-27. This is because these ages link main groups; those in education, those who may have started their working life or are in higher education and those who are beginning to start their own life. Age is a vital factor when considering a target demographic. I wanted to see if all the people who were of a similar age answered in the same way.

Do you currently buy a magazine regularly? If people are already loyal consumers of a magazine it makes the task of getting them to buy your magazine even harder. As a new magazine going on the shelves, customers may already be wary of the product; they will not want to part with their hard earned cash for something that does not meet their needs. The magazine has to be bigger and bolder than ever in order for it to sell. An initial marketing campaign is also crucial for the magazine to not only exist but also to survive and flourish alongside other main magazines on the shelf.

What do you view as vital in a music magazine? Though I’ve offered a range of options that will most definitely feature in the magazine I want to see what the consumers view as a priority. From this I can then see where time should be spent most. It would be pointless to emphasise on one feature that consumers don’t want; when the readers’ have brought the magazine once, it is important to keep them gripped so that they continue to purchase it.

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